Cover Image for Sequencing x CAKE day - ETHCC Brussels
Cover Image for Sequencing x CAKE day - ETHCC Brussels

Sequencing x CAKE day - ETHCC Brussels

Hosted by Frontier Research & Espresso Systems
Register to See Address
Bruxelles, Bruxelles
Approval Required
Your registration is subject to approval by the host.
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About Event

Join us for a packed, productive day of Sequencing & CAKE discussions!

This event will have parallel talks and workshops, with a lunch break in the middle and happy hour at the end.


Apply now

Speaking Schedule

9AM-9:30AM: Arrival, Breakfast & Coffee

9:30AM-9:35AM: Welcome Message (Ben Fisch) 

9:35AM-9:55AM: Justin Drake (Ethereum Foundation)  “Why is synchrony valuable?”

10:00AM-10:20AM: Ed Felten (Offchain Labs) "Timeboost: Ethical and Efficient Revenue from MEV" 

10:25AM-10:45AM: dmarz (Flashbots) “Sequencer preconfs with TEEs” 

10:50AM-11:10AM: Ellie Davidson (Espresso) “On designing a marketplace for sequencing”

11:15AM-11:35AM: Karthik Srinivasan (Sorella Labs) “Ordering sovereign applications” 

11:40AM- 12:00PM: Drew Van der Werff Commit-Boost: standardizing proposer commitments” 

12PM-1PM: Lunch 

1:00PM-1:25PM: (Based Rollups): Joe Andrews (Aztec), Brecht (Taiko), Marek (Celo), Moderator: Justin Drake 

1:30PM-1:50PM: (Synchronous vs asynchronous composability): Lumi (zkSync), Jordi Baylina  (Polygon), Ye Zhang (Scroll), Bryan Pellegrino (LayerZero), Justin Drake (EF), Moderator: Ben Fisch

2PM-2:30PM: Stephane Gosselin (OneBalance) Bridging CAKE and Sequencer Commitments

2:30PM - 3PM: Daniel (scroll) L1sload: Reading state across L2s at execution time

3PM - 3:30PM: Arjun (everclear) Liquidity fragmenation across chains

3:30PM - 4PM: Shumo (nebra) Rollup Interoperability: Is proof agregation all you need?

4:50PM- 5PM: Closing remarks & goodbye

5PM: Happy hour

Workshop Schedule

10AM-12PM: CAKE whiteboarding with Ankit

12PM- 2:30PM: Break

2:30PM- 3:30PM: Preconfirmation / Sequencer Commitments, Co-moderators: George Spasov (Limechain) and Drew Van der Werff

3:30PM- 3:50PM: Break

3:50PM-4:50PM: Sequencer & Builder Market Design, Co-moderators: Benedikt Bünz (Espresso) and Pranav Garimidi (a16z research)

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Bruxelles, Bruxelles