Cover Image for Healthcare AI and Technology Investor Summit (Live/Virtual) Endeavor Venture Funds and Foley & Lardner
Cover Image for Healthcare AI and Technology Investor Summit (Live/Virtual) Endeavor Venture Funds and Foley & Lardner
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Healthcare AI and Technology Investor Summit (Live/Virtual) Endeavor Venture Funds and Foley & Lardner

Hosted by Dr Martin Alexander Gershon
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Healthcare AI and Technology Investor Summit (Live/Virtual) Endeavor Venture Funds and Foley & Lardner

Please join leaders from HSBC, Microsoft, Harvard, Mass General Hospital, Massachusetts Hospital Association, American Heart Association, Mayo Clinic, Mount Sinai, Cleveland Clinic, Samsung, Intel, Novartis, Merck, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, IQVIA, JNJ, ARPA-H, and prominent VC and Angel investors and remarkable entrepreneurs and founders.

With financial and strategic support from Endeavor Venture Funds and its Syndicate Partners we look to build partnerships between great hospitals, healthcare industry leaders and leading digital healthcare company founders for the purpose of integrating new digital technologies into hospitals and biopharma.

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Keynote Speaker: Peter Durlach, Microsoft Chief Strategy Officer, Healthcare and Life Sciences

Plenary Session Panel Host: Valerie Fleishman, Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer, Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association

Closing Remarks: Jim Rogers, Board of Directors Mayo Collaborative Services, Chief Business Development Officer and Senior Administrator for Generative AI, Mayo Clinic 

Summit Chairman: Dr. Martin Alexander Gershon, Managing Partner, Endeavor Venture Funds, White House CancerX Moonshot Advisor

Join Endeavor Venture Funds and Foley & Lardner, in collaboration with HSBC, Microsoft, the Harvard Alumni Healthcare Association, Massachusetts Hospital Association, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, and Keiretsu Forum Angels for a day of partnering, investment, and deal making, designed to integrate AI into the Boston health care system.

$100B has been invested into healthcare AI by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Apple. $2.8B has already been invested in AI Healthcare companies in Q1 2024. But while technology giants support healthcare AI startups with billions of dollars in investment, healthcare providers and emerging companies alike are finding it difficult to navigate the complexities of AI deployment in this critical sector.


4:00 - 4:10 p.m. Welcome

  • Summit Chairman: Dr. Martin Alexander Gershon, Managing Partner, Endeavor Venture Funds, White House CancerX Moonshot Advisor

  • Larry Vernaglia, Partner, Foley & Lardner

  • Shabbi Khan, Partner, Foley & Lardner

  • Dave Kantaros, Partner, Foley & Lardner

4:10 - 4:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker & Q&A

​AI and other technologies have unlimited potential, but also face significant adoption headwinds. Driven by the mission to improve patient outcomes and improve the broad healthcare system it’s critical to embrace the adoption and integration of new AI and Technologies and address the uncertainties in new disruptive technologies.

  • Peter Durlach, Microsoft Chief Strategy Officer, Healthcare and Life Sciences

4:30 - 5:10 p.m. Remarkable AI and Digital Health Care Companies - Advancing Digital Technology Solutions (Panel)

  • Randall Stanicky, CFO, Click Therapeutics (Moderator)

  • Dr. Andrew Gostine, CEO, Artisight

  • Ping Yeh, CEO, Vocxi Health

  • Dr. Sabine Wilhelm, Chief of Psychology, Director Center for Digital Mental Health, Massachusetts General Hospital

  • Dr. Ali Mostashari, CEO, LifeNome

  • Geoffrey Martin, CEO, Healthyio

Dr. Rebecca Miksad, Senior Clinical Innovation Advisor, Endeavor Venture Funds welcomes attendees to our networking break

5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Networking, Partnering, Deal Making, Breakouts

Breakout Sessions:

Masterclass 1 Burnout in the Workplace

  • Jenny Fernandez, Director of Leadership Endeavor Venture Funds

  • Dr. Elyse R. Park, Clinical Psychologist, Director of Health Promotion and Resiliency Intervention, Mass General Brigham Hospital and Harvard Medical School

  • Summit Chairman (Moderator): Dr. Martin Alexander Gershon, Managing Partner, Endeavor Venture Funds, White House CancerX Moonshot Advisor

Burnout across all industries has reached pandemic levels with healthcare being the hardest hit. The economic ramifications are massive with physician and nurse burnout at an all-time high leading to chronic shortages of healthcare providers. We are past the tipping point with 50% of all healthcare professionals experiencing burnout and 22% wanting to leave the field. This problem impacts not only healthcare workers and patients but also threatens the fundamental sustainability of our hospital system. According to a BDO survey, 71% of hospital CFOs cite physician and nursing departure from the workforce and consequent shortages as a top financial threat to hospitals.

Masterclass 2 Financing Strategies for Emerging Healthcare and Life Sciences Companies in the Current Economic Environment

  • Summit Chairman: Dr. Martin Alexander Gershon, Managing Partner, Endeavor Venture Funds, White House CancerX Moonshot Advisor

  • Randall Stanicky, CFO, Click Therapeutics

  • Clark Hayes, Managing Director HSBC Healthcare and Life Sciences 

The industry that raised the most amount of funding in 2024 is healthcare AI and biotech. Companies in that sector raised $15.7 billion, or 24% of all global funding, in Q1. But despite the positive signals from healthcare AI and biotech recent public market activity, many investors are still risk off as they continue to adjust to portfolio liquidity shortfalls from 2022. As investors focus on liquidity, founders will continue to face a challenging funding environment.

6:30 - 7:15 p.m. The Roadmap to Integrating AI Technologies into Hospitals and Biopharma (Panel)

Valerie Fleishman, Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer, Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association introducing the panel

  • Summit Chairman: Dr. Martin Alexander Gershon, Managing Partner, Endeavor Venture Funds (Moderator)

  • Alex Gao, Chief Strategy Officer, HealthUnity and Former Head of Samsung Digital Health Lab

  • Dr. Petrina Kamya, President of Insilico Medicine Canada, Global Head of AI Platforms, Insilico Medicine

  • Dr. Erik Lium, Chief Commercial Innovation Officer, Mount Sinai Health System and President, Mount Sinai Innovation Partners

  • Dr. Michael Bouton, Chief Innovation Officer, NY Health and Hospitals

  • Felix Lee, U.S. Head of Digital Health, Sanofi

  • Dr. Jeff Elton, CEO, ConcertAI

Some discussion points about the Roadmap to AI and Technology Integration into Hospitals and Biopharma Companies:

*How founders should think about working with large organizations

*Who the gatekeepers and decision makers are in enterprises and how to enroll them

*How to position a startup to effectively sell into enterprises

*The hidden red flags that can scare away large companies

7:15- 7:25 p.m. Closing Remarks

We're thrilled to bring together a community of thought leaders who are passionate about the future of digital technology and healthcare who are dedicated to advancing the integration of AI technologies into Hospitals, Biopharma and Medtech enterprises.

  • Jim Rogers, Board of Directors Mayo Collaborative Services, Chief Business Development Officer and Senior Administrator for Generative AI, Mayo Clinic 

7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Dinner, Networking, Partnering, Deal Making, Breakouts

Who’s Attending 

  • C-suite industry leaders from leading New York and Boston hospitals including Mass General Brigham Hospital, Dana Farber, Beth Israel Deaconess, Mayo Clinic, SUNY Downstate, Mount Sinai, Cleveland Clinic, and Cedars-Sinai. 

  • Companies including Merck, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Nestle, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, Amazon, Amgen, JNJ, Novartis, IQVIA, Samsung, and Microsoft. 

  • Remarkable unicorns like Click Therapeutics, ConcertAI, and Insilico Medicine.

  • Emerging AI and health tech companies from the Microsoft Pegasus and Foundation Hub portfolio such as Artisight, Pangaea Data, RealizedCare, Helfieai, and Endeavor portfolio companies like Vocxi Health, Code Blue, LifeNome, and Pepper Bio.

  • World class corporate and international venture investors from the U.S. and Europe.

  • Prominent media including the WSJ and Business Insider

Contact Us

If you are a hospital or biopharma, medtech, or biotech company and would like to schedule a meeting with Endeavor Venture Funds and Foley & Lardner to learn more about the health care AI roadmap as we look into the future please contact:

Dr. Martin Alexander Gershon

Shabbi Khan

Keep up to date with future Endeavor events by registering for our newsletter.

To schedule a Masterclass on AI and Healthcare and Leadership for your company by Endeavor Venture Funds contact Dr. Gershon

Foley & Lardner LLP
111 Huntington Ave Suite 2500, Boston, MA 02199, USA
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